field | type | description |
_id | string | id of the paste |
ownerId | string | id of the owner, if it doesn't have an owner it's set to "" |
title | string | title of the paste |
createdAt | ulong | unix time of when the paste is created |
expiresIn | string | when the paste will expire, possible values are never, 1h, 2h, 10h, 1d, 2d, 1w, 1m, 1y |
deletesAt | ulong | when the paste will be deleted, if it has no expiry time it's set to 0 |
stars | ulong | number of stars the paste received |
isPrivate | bool | if it's private it's only accessible by the owner |
isPublic | bool | is it displayed on the owner's public profile |
tags | string[] | list of tags |
pasties | pasty[] | list of pasties/files in the paste, can't be empty |
edits | edit[] | list of edits |
field | type | description |
_id | string | id of the pasty |
language | string | language of the pasty |
title | string | title of the pasty |
code | string | contents of the pasty |
field | type | description |
_id | string | unique id of the edit |
editId | string | id of the edit, multiple edits can share the same id showing that multiple fields were changed at the same time |
editType | number | type of edit, possible values are title(0), pastyTitle(1), pastyLanguage(2), pastyContent(3), pastyAdded(4), pastyRemoved(5) |
metadata | string[] | various metadata used internally, biggest usecase is storing exactly which pasty was edited |
edit | string | actual paste edit, it stores old data before the edit as the current paste stores the new data |
editedAt | number | unix time of when the edit was made |