paste object

field type description
_id string id of the paste
ownerId string id of the owner, if it doesn't have an owner it's set to ""
title string title of the paste
createdAt ulong unix time of when the paste is created
expiresIn string when the paste will expire, possible values are never, 1h, 2h, 10h, 1d, 2d, 1w, 1m, 1y
deletesAt ulong when the paste will be deleted, if it has no expiry time it's set to 0
stars ulong number of stars the paste received
isPrivate bool if it's private it's only accessible by the owner
isPublic bool is it displayed on the owner's public profile
tags string[] list of tags
pasties pasty[] list of pasties/files in the paste, can't be empty
edits edit[] list of edits

pasty object

field type description
_id string id of the pasty
language string language of the pasty
title string title of the pasty
code string contents of the pasty

edit object

field type description
_id string unique id of the edit
editId string id of the edit, multiple edits can share the same id showing that multiple fields were changed at the same time
editType number type of edit, possible values are title(0), pastyTitle(1), pastyLanguage(2), pastyContent(3), pastyAdded(4), pastyRemoved(5)
metadata string[] various metadata used internally, biggest usecase is storing exactly which pasty was edited
edit string actual paste edit, it stores old data before the edit as the current paste stores the new data
editedAt number unix time of when the edit was made