Rectangle func::rectTabs::DrawTabs(int sel) {
Rectangle tabRec;
int textIndex = 0;
std::vector<Rectangle> tabRects;
P_passRect = {RectPos().x, RectPos().y, TabSize().x, TabSize().y};
for (X = 0; X < C; X++) {
for (Y = 0; Y < R; Y++) {
float tabWidth = P_passRect.width + Overlap();
float tabHeight = P_passRect.height + Overlap();
if (sel == 0) {
tabRec = {P_passRect.x + X * (tabWidth - Overlap()), P_passRect.y + Y * (tabHeight - Overlap()), tabWidth, tabHeight};
} else if (sel == 1) {
float tabWidth = GetCentre().width + Overlap();
float tabHeight = GetCentre().height + Overlap();
tabRec = {GetCentre().x + X * (tabWidth - Overlap()), GetCentre().y + Y * (tabHeight - Overlap()), tabWidth, tabHeight};
} else {
throw std::out_of_range("Index must be 0 or 1");
DrawRectangleRoundedLines(tabRec, Roundness(), Smoothness(), LineThick(), OutlineColor());
DrawRectangleRounded(tabRec, Roundness(), Smoothness(), MainColor());
bool isMouseOverTab = false;
isMouseOverTab = (F.mousePoint().x > tabRec.x + 12 && F.mousePoint().x < (tabRec.x + tabRec.width) &&
F.mousePoint().y > tabRec.y + 12 && F.mousePoint().y < (tabRec.y + tabRec.height));
if (isMouseOverTab && isSelected == false) {
// Highlight the tab
//DrawRectangleRoundedLinesEx(tabRec, Roundness(), Smoothness(), LineThick(), LIGHTGRAY);
DrawRectangleRoundedLines(tabRec, Roundness(), Smoothness(), LineThick(), LIGHTGRAY);
char buf[20];
sprintf(buf, "%d", (int)tabRec.y * (Y + 1));
DrawText(buf, tabRec.x + 10, tabRec.y + 10, 20, GREEN);
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) {
isSelected = true;
if (isMouseOverTab && isSelected == true) {
//DrawRectangleRoundedLinesEx(tabRec, Roundness(), Smoothness(), LineThick(), GOLD);
DrawRectangleRoundedLines(tabRec, Roundness(), Smoothness(), LineThick(), GOLD);
if (textMode != NO && textIndex < v.charInsert.size()) {
float fontSize = 25.0f;
float rotation = 0.0f;
float textSizeX = MeasureTextEx(GetFontDefault(), v.charInsert[textIndex], fontSize, 1.0f).x;
float textSizeY = MeasureTextEx(GetFontDefault(), v.charInsert[textIndex], fontSize, 1.0f).y;
Vector2 position;
if (textMode == WORDx && textIndex < v.charInsert.size()) {
// Determine the total length of the combined word
int totalLength = 0;
Vector2 origin;
for (const char* letter : v.charInsert) {
totalLength += strlen(letter);
// Allocate a char array to store the combined word
char* combinedWord = new char[totalLength + 1]; // +1 for the null terminator
combinedWord[0] = '\0'; // Start with an empty string
// Concatenate each letter into combinedWord
for (const char* letter : v.charInsert) {
strcat(combinedWord, letter);
// Measure the size of the combined word
float textSizeXn = MeasureTextEx(GetFontDefault(), combinedWord, fontSize, 1.0f).x;
float textSizeYn = MeasureTextEx(GetFontDefault(), combinedWord, fontSize, 1.0f).y;
origin = {textSizeXn / 2.0f, textSizeYn / 2.0f};
position = {
GetCentre().x + (P_passRect.width) / 2,
GetCentre().y + (P_passRect.height) / 2
// Draw the combined word once in the center of the current tab
DrawTextPro(GetFontDefault(), combinedWord, position, origin, rotation, fontSize, 1.0f, BLACK);
// Move to the next tab only after drawing once
// Clean up dynamically allocated memory
delete[] combinedWord;
}else if (textMode == WORDy && textIndex < v.charInsert.size()) {
float lineHeight = fontSize * 1.2f; // Adjust line spacing as needed
Vector2 origin;
// Calculate the vertical starting position for this word to be centered within the current tab
float totalTextHeight = 0;
int wordLength = 0;
// Calculate the total height of the word by iterating over letters until a space or end
int tempIndex = textIndex;
while (tempIndex < v.charInsert.size() && *v.charInsert[tempIndex] != ' ') {
totalTextHeight += lineHeight;
// Calculate the initial centered position for the word in the current tab
Vector2 position = {
GetCentre().x + (P_passRect.width) / 2,
tabRec.y + (tabRec.height - totalTextHeight) / 2 // Center the word vertically
// Draw each letter in the word within the current tab
for (int i = 0; i < wordLength && textIndex < v.charInsert.size(); i++) {
float textSizeX = MeasureTextEx(GetFontDefault(), v.charInsert[textIndex], fontSize, 1.0f).x;
origin = {textSizeX / 2.0f, 0}; // Center each letter horizontally
// Draw the current letter
DrawTextPro(GetFontDefault(), v.charInsert[textIndex], position, origin, rotation, fontSize, 1.0f, BLACK);
// Move position down for the next letter in the word
position.y += lineHeight;
// Move past the space character, if any, to start the next word on the next tab
if (textIndex < v.charInsert.size() && *v.charInsert[textIndex] == ' ') {
}else if (textMode == LETTERx && textIndex < v.charInsert.size()) {
float fontSize = 25.0f;
float rotation = 0.0f;
// Iterate over stored rectangles and draw characters
for (const auto& rect : tabRects) {
if (textIndex >= v.charInsert.size()) break;
// Measure the size of the current character
float textSizeX = MeasureTextEx(GetFontDefault(), v.charInsert[textIndex], fontSize, 1.0f).x;
float textSizeY = MeasureTextEx(GetFontDefault(), v.charInsert[textIndex], fontSize, 1.0f).y;
// Center the character within the current tab
Vector2 position = {
rect.x + (rect.width - textSizeX) / 2.0f,
rect.y + (rect.height - textSizeY) / 2.0f
// Draw the character
DrawTextPro(GetFontDefault(), v.charInsert[textIndex], position, {0.0f, 0.0f}, rotation, fontSize, 1.0f, BLACK);
// Move to the next character
} else if (textMode == LETTERy && textIndex < v.charInsert.size()) {
float fontSize = 25.0f;
float rotation = 0.0f;
Vector2 origin;
// Get text size for centering each character within the tab
origin = {textSizeX / 2.0f, textSizeY / 2.0f};
// Calculate position based on the current grid index (X, Y)
position = {
tabRec.x + (tabRec.width - textSizeX) / 2,
tabRec.y + (tabRec.height - textSizeY) / 2
// Draw the current letter centered within its tab cell
DrawTextPro(GetFontDefault(), v.charInsert[textIndex], position, origin, rotation, fontSize, 1.0f, BLACK);
// Move to the next letter in v.charInsert
return tabRec;